Saturday, 19 October 2013

Hello Kitty, Cake number two

My second go at cake decorating, my first go at icing a cake

So, after my Tatty Ted 
 cake turned out quite well considering it was the first cake I had ever made, I decided that I quite liked this cake making hobby and I needed a new challenge.

It was a friends daughters birthday coming up and I offered to make a cake for her. I had no idea what I was going to make but as I had never had a go at icing a cake before I decided that I wanted to give it a go.
Since making my 3D Tatty Ted cake I had done quite a bit of research into cake decorating and read plenty of horror stories about how difficult it is to ice a cake but I was looking forward to the challenge.

Me and my friend decided on a Hello Kitty cake for her daughters birthday, so off I went to buy the ingredients. This time I decided to go with a firmer sponge cake and I baked two rectangle cakes. Like with the Tatty Ted cake I was going with what I could find in the cupboard as these cake tins do not come cheap and I just used a rectangle roasting tray, I only had one, so I had to wait for one cake to bake before starting on the next, which was a little frustrating because I just wanted to get on with the decoration, but anyway, it worked.

So, once my cakes had cooled, this time I stuck them in the freezer for a few hours because frozen cakes are easier to carve.
Once frozen, I stuck the two rectangles together with butter cream and carved out the shape of Hello Kitty. It was quite handy that the corners of the tray made the perfect shape for the ears!
I then covered the whole cake in butter cream. So far every thing was going smoothly, but now for the tricky part, icing the cake, I was kind of excited and nervous all at the same time!

I rolled out the white icing and lifted it on to the cake, smoothed it all down and trimmed the edges, and then stood there wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to icing cakes, that was easy..... but then I noticed it..... right at the front there was a hole where the icing had cracked! Maybe not so easy after all, that will teach me to become over confident!

I patched it up the best I could, and you can't really notice it that much, but still, I was disappointed as the rest of the cake was so smooth.

I then made the pink bow from rolled icing and realized I should of made this first so it could set, but I just stuck it to the cake and put rolled up paper inside to keep the bow open.
I finished the cake with eyes, nose and whiskers all made out of icing, and there it was, my second ever cake, my first ever iced cake and my first ever hello kitty cake.

I was very pleased with how it turned out, it was better than I expected it to be, and my friends daughter loved it!

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